How to Determine Your Optimal Showering Schedule

  • 5 years ago
How to Determine Your
Optimal Showering Schedule Factors such as lifestyle, skin type and
personal preferences all come into play when
determining your optimal showering schedule. Here are answers to five of your
most pressing shower related questions. 1. Should Showering
Frequency Change
With the Seasons? In the summer we tend to get very sweaty,
making it necessary to shower more to stay clean. 2. How Often Should
You Wash Your Hair? It's also dependent on whether you hair
is dry or greasy, as hair texture largely
determines how often it needs to be cleaned. 3. Is There an Ideal
Length and Water
Temperature? It’s important to only shower for as long as
necessary and to use lukewarm water when doing so. 4. What Happens if
You Don’t Shower? These rough patches are more likely
to appear in areas with higher levels of
oil glands such as the scalp, face and chest. 5. Do Loofahs Really
Make a Difference? They also hold large amounts of bacteria
because they don't dry out between showers.
