Great Old US Navy Romance Melodrama from World War II

  • 16 years ago
Freedom Comes High, produced by the United States Navy, wonderfully depicts a married couple during World War II. Steve is in the Navy and writes home to Ellen about how if he is called to make the ultimate sacrifice, she should realize that it is only the high cost of freedom, which he is trying to preserve for her and their baby. This letter makes the next telegram she gets, the one announcing his death in battle, easier to bear. Displaying some spectacular acting, she bravely holds back her tears and assures the viewer that she and the baby will make it on their own. Then, Vice Admiral John Towers, Commander Air Force Pacific Islands comes on and urges the viewer to “do your share” and buy war bonds so that the Japanese can “be utterly doomed.” This excellently made dramatic film shows how the U.S. Government tried to justify the unpalatable fact that thousands of American families were losing loved ones in the war.