Does My Business Need a Website?

  • 5 years ago
When I answer questions on forums such as Quora, on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or other social media sites, one of the most commonly asked questions is whether or not the business owner "should" have a website or "needs" a website. It's almost as if they see it as something they don't really want to do or know what to do with.

And the fact of the matter is that every profitable business in the world today has a professional online presence. They don't have empty templates. They have websites that look great, engage customers, and are at the top of Google. They do this because they want more leads coming in - more customers calling them. So...really when people ask if they should have a website or not, often I'll ask them if they like money or have bills to pay. I might ask them if what they're doing is a hobby or a serious business that needs to support a real family. If their answer is that it's serious to them, then I tell them they need to take digital marketing seriously and engage it fully. If it's a hobby, then whatever path they take is fine - because they don't need to make more money from their efforts.

A website is meant to generate leads, and it does that through combining SEO, social, content creation, with design, "boots on the ground" physical networking, and other measures.

If your goal is to grow a business, digital marketing is a necessary part of that. A website is the hub through which digital marketing works, so you can't have one without the other.

If it's a hobby, then it's meant to be fun or a pleasant distraction; so it doesn't really matter.

The outcomes you want to achieve determine the actions you should take.

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