Golden Gate Bridge - Angel Island in San Francisco - USA 1992

  • hace 5 años

San Francisco: Image of iron structure and cables that hold the Golden Gate Bridge. Transit of cars and people cycling. Man running across the bridge. People walking on pedestrian path. Correntada of water. Tourist with video camera walking on the bridge. Sailboat crossing the bridge. Overview of the bridge taken from the road. Tourists taking a picture. Japanese tourists visiting the site where there is a reminder plate of the bridge. Excursion boat sailing the bay. Workers working on the maintenance of the iron beams that support the structure of the bridge. Crane towing a car over the bridge. Coastguard of the United States sailing the bay (USCGC Morgenthau WHEC-722). Panoramic of Isla del Angel. Cargo ship image navigating the bay. President Kennedy ship transporting containers. Image of children playing in the park, also entering the hole that crosses a giant tree.
Date: 1992
Duration: 13 minutes 25 seconds
Code: UC-0412

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