Duggar Family: The Cultural Swamp We Are In

  • 5 years ago
In the wake of Josh Duggar's "Ashley Madison" cheating scandal, the Duggars have become perhaps the most talked about family in the social media-sphere. As more people eagerly dig into the family's past, more interesting information is being revealed.

One previously-overlooked detail that the Duggars admitted themselves in their 2014 book has been buzzing around the Internet since the Josh Duggar scandal. It's no secret that the family has strict beliefs that prohibit them from partaking in or even discussing premarital sex. Even sexual thoughts are forbidden.

In an effort to combat sexual thoughts, the family uses the code word "Nike" to signal when they are having sexual thoughts or thinking of someone in a lustful manner.

Full story: http://www.aol.com/article/2015/08/27/duggar-family-has-a-bizarre-code-word-to-combat-sexual-thoughts/21228286/
