Bill Donahue: Liberals Defend Islam Because They Don’t Like Jews

Mike Malloy Show

by Mike Malloy Show

Bill Donahue, president of the Catholic League, said Tuesday that one of the reasons that liberals defended Islam was because they shared common enemies: The United States and Jews.

On NewsmaxTV, host Steve Malzberg asked Donohue to respond to the recent spat between actor Ben Affleck and comedian Bill Maher.

“Well, in 1999, Ben Affleck starred in the anti-Catholic movie Dogma, which said that the Virgin Mary had a daughter through sex with Joseph and that she went and worked in an abortion clinic,” he remarked. “They asked him about this, ‘is it anti-Catholic?’ He said it was definitely meant to push some buttons. So we know he is not going to push the buttons of Muslims, just Catholics.”

“They’re always bashing us. If they only showed one ounce of the sensitivity to Catholics they show to Muslims I wouldn’t even have a job.

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