We The People Set The Fox To Guard The Henhouse

  • 5 years ago
In what appears to me more like a Saturday Night Live parody skit than an actual true-life certainty, Republican Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe is now slated to chair the Environment and Public Works Committee, which oversees the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Inhofe has already talked about his desire to slash the EPA budget.

Mr. Inhofe, who has referred to human-made climate change as "a hoax," received $1,352,523 from the oil and gas industries to fill his campaign war chest, including $90,950 from Koch Industries.

Read more at http://www.bilerico.com/2014/11/we_the_people_set_the_fox_to_guard_the_henhouse.php#KV2hp5REw7X01MR5.99
