U.S. Without Surgeon General Thanks To GOP

  • 5 years ago
The Republican Caucus Room conspiracy is putting all of our lives at risk.

As the condition of Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian man diagnosed with Ebola in Texas, continues to worsen, and as fears over Ebola spreading in the US continue to grow, the right-wing media is lashing out at the US surgeon general.

So who is the surgeon general?

The surgeon general is the United States' top doc.

He or she gives unbiased information to the American people about health crises and health risks.

It's the surgeon general's responsibility to educate the people and help us understand what we do and don't need to worry about.

The surgeon general helps cut through all of the fear-mongering and misinformation.

But the folks over at Breitbart don't think that the surgeon general is doing his/her job.

Full story: http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/26668-thanks-to-the-gop-the-us-is-without-its-top-doctor-as-ebola-spreads