9 HOURS of Powerful Thunderstorm Sounds for Deep Sleep - Relax Night and Day

  • 5 years ago
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Video: © Relax Night and Day
Relax Night and Day Channel
"Copyright (c) 2014 Relax Night and Day. Corel Corporation und seine Lizenzgeber.
Alle Rechte vorbehalten."

Bildquelle / picture:

© by firewings at www.123rf.com
Direct Link:

"Certain images and/or photos on this page are the copyrighted property of 123RF Limited, their Contributors or Licensed Partners and are being used with permission under license. These images and/or photos may not be copied or downloaded without permission from 123RF Limited."

"Einige Bilder und/oder Fotos auf dieser Seite oder in diesem Produkt sind das urheberrechtlich geschuetzte Eigentum von 123RF Limited oder autorisierten Lieferanten, die gemaess der Lizenzbedingungen genutzt werden. Diese Bilder und/oder Fotos duerfen nicht ohne Erlaubnis von 123RF Limited kopiert oder herunterladen werden."

Programs used: Audacity(R) Audio-Editor, Lame

Music Attribution / List of Audio Files used:

music © 2014 Relax Night and Day
music mixed / Musik gemischt by Relax Night and Day
Relax Night and Day Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/aufstieg5dimension

Title: "rbh rain 01" by RHumphries at (www.freesound.org)
Direct Link: http://www.freesound.org/people/RHumphries/sounds/2519/
" rbh thunder_02" by RHumphries at (www.freesound.org)
Direct Link: http://www.freesound.org/people/RHumphries/sounds/2524/
"rbh thunder_04 Distorted" by RHumphries at (www.freesound.org)
Direct Link: http://www.freesound.org/people/RHumphries/sounds/2526/
are licensed under a Creative Commons License: By Attribution 3.0
some rights reserved

"thunder-long-distance" by Erdie at (www.freesound.org)
Direct Link: http://www.freesound.org/people/Erdie/sounds/24952/
is licensed under a Creative Commons License: By Attribution 3.0
some rights reserved