Chinese man eats durian,fails breathalyzer test

  • 5 years ago
RUDONG, CHINA — A man in China failed an alcohol breathalyzer test at 34 milligrams per 100 milliliters all because he had durian breath.

Durian, a fruit famous for its gym sock-esque smell, can give you a bit of dragon breath, and also get you in trouble with the po-po. That's a lesson a man in China had to learn the hard way.

According to Pear Video, our durian loving friend was pulled over by Chinese police on April 17 for a breathalyzer test, after they suspected he had had one too many drinks.

To our durian dude's surprise, he failed at 34 milligrams per 100 milliliters — the legal limit in China is about 20 milligrams per 100 milliliters.

He went down swinging though, in a video, he is seen yelling 'I've just eaten durian fruit!' Adding, 'You can take me for a blood test.'

According to Sohu News, po-po decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and administered a blood test. The results bamboozled them. The man was alcohol-free. So what was he 'drunk' on?

The answer? Durian. After the false booze alarm, police decided to test the power of the stinky fruit themselves and sure enough, just after munching on some durian, breathalyzer tests marked levels of 36 milligrams per 100 milliliters. Just three minutes later the test came out negative.

According to Pear Video, durian isn't the only food that will get you in trouble. Certain mouthwash brands and lychee fruit can also confuse a breathalyzer.