• 6 years ago
A man is brought to tears as he watches a video created by his stepson of their favorite memories together - which ends with him asking to be adopted.

Drinnen Hayes, from Powell, Tennessee, was surprised by Gavin Jones (now Hayes), 11, who played the video and gave Drinnen a wrapped envelope to open after watching.

As the video plays, which includes a voiceover of Gavin reading a letter he penned to Drinnen, Drinnen starts getting emotional and is unable to hold back tears.

As the last two images play on screen, Gavin can be heard asking: “I want to ask you if I can be your only boy officially, will you please adopt me?”

After a long embrace, Gavin insists Drinnen open the wrapped gift, and as he slowly removes papers from the envelope he realizes it contains the adoption papers.

Gavin, whose biological father passed away when he was very young, put the video together with the help of his mom Lane (Drinnen’s wife) and her business Carpe Diem Event and Design, after he had been secretly discussing adoption with her for over a year.

VideoID: TT-4236

Rights Cleared & Verified: 01/08/2019


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