• 6 years ago
In 2015, for the first time in history, cash payments were overtaken by card and contactless transactions. But why are we turning our backs on cash? And what are we replacing it with?

In this episode, Jacques explores the deals which have shaped the way we understand money. From the invention of Paypal in the nineties to the smartphone app economy that followed ten years later, this programme tells the story of how tech giants brought about the digital payment revolution and formulated a plan to one day kill cash.

But is this new world of digital, hyper-fast spending in our interests? And what is really going on behind the scenes?

See episode 1 here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x75z3vg

See episode 3 here: https://dai.ly/x764vss

Hemmelige milliardaftaler påvirker alt - vores arbejde, forståelse af penge og sundhed. I 2015 blev kontantbetalinger, for første gang i historien, overhalet af betalingskort og kontaktløse transaktioner. Denne digitale betalings-revolution kom fra de store tech-giganter, hvis plan det var at udrydde rede penge. Her udforsker journalist Jacques Peretti, hvorfor vi har vendt ryggen til kontanter, og hvad det er, vi erstatter dem med.


