BJJ BB Tony Eduardo awards Andreas Hesselback his Blue Belt

  • 16 years ago
After spending 8 weeks training at Tiger Muay Thai in Phuket Thailand, 2005 ADCC Brazilian Qualifying champion and BJJ Black Belt Tony Eduardo awards Andreas Hesselback his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Blue Belt. Andreas has competed in grappling tournaments throughout southeast Asia.

Prior to Tony's arrival Andreas has been training under Lotus Club purple belt Ray Elbe. Andreas won a Silver medal in the Intermediate division of the 3rd Southeast Asian grappling games held in Bangkok Thailand and recently won a Gold medal in the advanced division of the Lordz of Pain grappling tournament held in Singapore.

Besides competing in those grappling events Andreas has also complied a 1-1 amateur MMA record and a 2-1 pro record during his 1 + year training stay at MMA Phuket and Tiger Muay Thai.

This promotion was well deserved.

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