Esteban Righi on the tragic events of Ezeiza 1973

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Press conference of the Minister of the Interior, Esteban J. Righi where he reads the following statement: - "Through the representatives of the press I address public opinion to inform as it is my duty on matters related to the Ministry of the Interior in relation to the tragic events of Ezeiza that tarnished the popular jubilee for the return of Lieutenant General Perón and his wife Isabel de Perón, who prevented his contact with the people, announced that the investigation of the police agencies is advancing rapidly and will be in I therefore urge all those who can provide testimonies to clarify the facts to collaborate with the authorities, by giving a statement to the Federal Police or the Police of the Province of Buenos Aires, to facilitate their commitment to justice. who will give the final decision.Another question that worried the country was the wave of occupations of official and private agencies that It reached its highest peak on June 14, when 180 cases were totaled (76 in capital and 114 inland). In some cases, it was workers who occupied their place of work planting preindications or demanding the replacement of the officials in charge of those dependencies that came from the previous regime. In others, it was episodes driven by sectors outside the dependency that occupied their objective was to hinder the transformation of these dependencies to avoid being put at the service of the people. The government and the majority movement exported to end unemployment. A high example of the solidary and patriotic vocation of our people was the compliance with that exhortation, also showed that to exercise authority is not necessary violence, compared to the occupations that were maintained the government analyzed each case and persecuted accordingly not apply faithful to its principles indiscriminate pressure. The situation today indicated that in the Federal Capital there are three cases, all related to substantive housing problems and the solutions are being implemented at the corresponding level of the government, in the interior, according to the parties that have received the cases. There are nine. With regard to the existence of individuals or armed groups outside the law and complementing the instructions given to the security forces, pending measures are being arbitrated to regularize the possession of weapons, in this sense, discharges of possession and tenure granted by the previous regime, and the new ones will be examined in the light of reasonable and restrictive criteria by the constitutional authorities. But the tasks of reconstruction, liberation and transformation can not be carried out in the midst of disorder and violence.
Date: 3/7/1973
Duration: 7 minutes 11 seconds
Film code: D-00198

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