Seoul's new Unification Minister says economy is key to setting peace on Korean Peninsula

  • 5 years ago
김연철 통일부장관 오늘 취임... "경제를 고리로 한반도 평화 공고화해야"

South Korea's new Unification Minister Kim Yeon-chul says the key to building peace on the Korean Peninsula is the economy.
He was speaking today at his inauguration.
Take a look.
"In pushing for denuclearization and building peace, South and North Korea should find opportunities to co-prosper. We don't know when an opportunity like this will come again. I will work to strengthen a virtuous cycle in which we consolidate peace through the economy, and then in turn, enhance economic cooperation through peace."
The new minister added that the most important thing now is to take peace forward to the point where it cannot be reversed.
He stressed that inter-Korean relations will have to be institutionalized... so they aren't affected when administrations change.


