Hoist carapintada Building Libertador-Regimiento Patricios 1990

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Carapintada hoist. Report where journalist comments: - "The acts of insurrection last Monday had as their point of origin the orders given by Colonel Mohamed Ali Seineldin, the Carapintada leader himself said in a letter that he sent to Colonel José Bilbao Richter whose text It expresses the following: -Regarding the military events that occurred on the day of the date, I inform you that I assume full responsibility for them, despite not having been present and removed from the area of ​​operations. All the superiors, subordinate chiefs, officers and non-commissioned officers of the Army, of the Naval Prefecture of Argentina, complied with strict orders that I gave them, so I request that you wish to manage my transfer to the corresponding places of detention. " Images of Colonel Seineldin and the letter he wrote. Carapintadas armed and stationed on the front of the Libertador Building. Civil climbing the steps of the building. Soldier shooting his rifle towards the people. Civil with his hands behind his neck walking towards the rebels. Military men raise the national flag on the mast of the Libertador Building. Images of the armed conflict in the Patricios Regiment. Surrender of a civilian and a soldier, leave the premises with their hands on the nape of the neck. Strong military operation at the entrance gate to the regiment.
Date: 3/12/1990
Duration: 6 minutes 48 seconds
Code: DV-02857

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