About For Books How to Impress Your Instructor Online: Quick Tips to Success for the Virtual

  • 5 years ago
Students cur-rently tak-ing online courses for credit - or con-sid-er-ing doing so - should order this no non-sense book for straight facts about par-tic-i-pat-ing in the online edu-ca-tion expe-ri-ence. This essen-tial resource guide is not only for online stu-dents, but it's a must-read for edu-ca-tors work-ing with stu-dents in higher edu-ca-tion set-tings. The author offers an overview of the keys to suc-cess for the vir-tual stu-dent as they delve into their online learn-ing expe-ri-ence and pro-vides tips on how to impress their online instruc-tor. The book cov-ers a broad range of top-ics includ-ing learn-ing styles, time man-age-ment tech-niques, online eti-quette and com-mu-ni-ca-tion skills, eval-u-a-tion, and the chal-leng-ing prob-lems of pla-gia-rism and cheating.
