• hace 5 años
La Paz: Speech by the President of Bolivia, General Luis Garcia Meza Tejada, where he expresses: - "There was an open and recognized foreign intervention in favor of certain candidacies, through the foreign financial result, seriously damaging the national sovereignty and the free determination of the Bolivian people The action of Castro-communist groups unleashed a terrorist scale that acquired a citizenship card, the deliberate impotence of the previous government to repress the violence unleashed in the country, forced the armed forces of the nation to take drastic measures to protect the population and national security, we aspire to achieve a stable and efficient democracy in which freedom, justice, order and security allow the prosperity and well-being of all the people and not of a minority.No other country has to be subject to the external opinions, let's say it more clearly, we are not obliged to ask permission to Russia, to Cub a, to the United States to take one or another step. Only Bolivians can say our destiny. "(Color / Ambient sound)
Date: 1980
Duration: 1 minute 23 seconds
Film code: B-09479

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