Gregorio Flores - Catalina Guagnini - Anibal Rieznik arrested 1989

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Among chants of the present of the supporters of the Workers Party that are present when they are exactly 21.38 it is estimated that the former candidate for vice president for the Partido Obrero, Gregorio Flores, is surely about to leave; the former candidate for deputy, Catalina Guagnini and the former candidate for Senator for the Federal Capital, Pablo Anibal Rieznik. In the interior of the headquarters of the Partido Obrero, in Ayacucho 448 is also the federal judge of Moron. The leader Martinez at the door communicates: Now they are going to proceed to transfer the three detainees to the central police department, Gregorio Flores and Pablo Rieznik are incommunicado; Catalina Guagnini is communicated. Insert people of the Workers Party gathered at the door of the building. Image of Catalina Guagnini boarding a car and leaving the place. Police form a fence to prevent the passage of protesters.
Date: 05/28/1989
Duration: 2 minutes 8 seconds
Code: UG-2241

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