Michelle Obama’s ‘Becoming’ on Track to Be One of the Best-Selling Memoirs Ever

  • 5 years ago
Michelle Obama’s ‘Becoming’
on Track to Be One of the
Best-Selling Memoirs Ever The Former First Lady is Becoming
a record-breaking machine. Her popular memoir sold 750,000 copies on its first day. and became the
best-selling book
of 2018. The memoir also had the best first-week of sales at Barnes & Noble since 'Go Set a Watchman' in 2015. ‘Becoming’ may now take the title as
one of the best-selling memoirs ever. Publisher Penguin Random House announced Obama’s memoir has sold close to 10 million copies globally. Markus Dohle, Penguin Random House Chief Executive, to ‘Wall Street Journal’ Thomas Rabe, Bertelsmann Chief Executive, said it “could be the most successful memoir in history.” ‘Becoming’ is the first of a two-book deal between the Obamas and Penguin Random House.