Tポイント×ENEOS ゴルフトーナメント 2019年3月24日大阪府 茨城国際ゴルフ倶楽部をラウンド決戦 最終日
◇Tポイント×ENEOS ゴルフトーナメント 最終日(24日)◇茨木国際GC(大阪)◇6219yd(パー71)
1打差の2位で出た上田桃子が5バーディ、3ボギーの「69」でプレーし、通算6アンダーとして逆転優勝した。2017年10月の「NOBUTA GROUP マスターズGCレディース」以来となる2季ぶりのツアー通算14勝目。国内女子ツアーで日本人選手が開幕戦から3試合連続で優勝するのは2006年シーズン以来で、13年ぶりとなった。
Momoko Ueda, who finished second in a stroke, played with five birdies and three bogey '69's, winning a total of six underruns. A total of 14 wins for the first time in two seasons since "NOBUTA GROUP Masters GC Ladies" in October 2017. It is the first time in 13 years since the 2006 season that Japanese players have won three consecutive games since the opening game in the Women's Tour in Japan.
Ueda said, "I believed that if I had endured, I would definitely win the championship. I am very happy. I hope to win a lot this year because I did not win last year. While the young child is rushing out, I am 32 years old "I want to try my best."
Jiyai Shin (Korea), who came out of the first place, dropped 4 from the second half, and was the second-place tie with a total of 4 under, just like the win. Shogo Sakura, Hikaru Yoshimoto, Suzuhide Matsuda, and Minami Shibata were fourth with a total of 3 under. Shinji Jie (Korea), who came out of the first place, dropped 4 from the second half, and was the second-place tie with a total of 4 under, just like the win. Shogo Sakura, Hikaru Yoshimoto, Suzuhide Matsuda, and Minami Shibata were fourth with a total of 3 under.
Ai Suzuki, aiming for two consecutive weeks of consecutive wins and consecutive wins, is ninth with a 2-under, alongside Mika Higa and others. Amateur Ayaka Yasuda finished in 47th in a 6-over tie.
Major top grades
優勝 winner/-6/上田桃子 Momoko Ueda
2T/-4/勝みなみ Minami Katsu、申ジエ Jiyai Shin
4T/-3/小祝さくら Sakura Koiwai、吉本ひかる Hikaru Yoshimoto、松田鈴英 Rei Matsuda、蛭田みな美 Minami Hiruta、全美貞
9T/-2/鈴木愛 Ai Suzuki、比嘉真美子 Mamiko Higa、稲見萌寧 Mone Inami、黄アルムAh-Reum Hwang
◇Tポイント×ENEOS ゴルフトーナメント 最終日(24日)◇茨木国際GC(大阪)◇6219yd(パー71)
1打差の2位で出た上田桃子が5バーディ、3ボギーの「69」でプレーし、通算6アンダーとして逆転優勝した。2017年10月の「NOBUTA GROUP マスターズGCレディース」以来となる2季ぶりのツアー通算14勝目。国内女子ツアーで日本人選手が開幕戦から3試合連続で優勝するのは2006年シーズン以来で、13年ぶりとなった。
Momoko Ueda, who finished second in a stroke, played with five birdies and three bogey '69's, winning a total of six underruns. A total of 14 wins for the first time in two seasons since "NOBUTA GROUP Masters GC Ladies" in October 2017. It is the first time in 13 years since the 2006 season that Japanese players have won three consecutive games since the opening game in the Women's Tour in Japan.
Ueda said, "I believed that if I had endured, I would definitely win the championship. I am very happy. I hope to win a lot this year because I did not win last year. While the young child is rushing out, I am 32 years old "I want to try my best."
Jiyai Shin (Korea), who came out of the first place, dropped 4 from the second half, and was the second-place tie with a total of 4 under, just like the win. Shogo Sakura, Hikaru Yoshimoto, Suzuhide Matsuda, and Minami Shibata were fourth with a total of 3 under. Shinji Jie (Korea), who came out of the first place, dropped 4 from the second half, and was the second-place tie with a total of 4 under, just like the win. Shogo Sakura, Hikaru Yoshimoto, Suzuhide Matsuda, and Minami Shibata were fourth with a total of 3 under.
Ai Suzuki, aiming for two consecutive weeks of consecutive wins and consecutive wins, is ninth with a 2-under, alongside Mika Higa and others. Amateur Ayaka Yasuda finished in 47th in a 6-over tie.
Major top grades
優勝 winner/-6/上田桃子 Momoko Ueda
2T/-4/勝みなみ Minami Katsu、申ジエ Jiyai Shin
4T/-3/小祝さくら Sakura Koiwai、吉本ひかる Hikaru Yoshimoto、松田鈴英 Rei Matsuda、蛭田みな美 Minami Hiruta、全美貞
9T/-2/鈴木愛 Ai Suzuki、比嘉真美子 Mamiko Higa、稲見萌寧 Mone Inami、黄アルムAh-Reum Hwang