In the spring of 1862, after his brother Johann had left for Russia, Josef Strauss directed the Strauss Orchestra’s concerts in Vienna, as had become the usual practice. Pepi certainly already suspected that Jean had decided to marry Jetty Treffz, but had not been informed of his brother’s plans. He was now in command as orchestra leader and as composer; with great skill and application he ensured that the orchestra had a rich repertoire which was not, of course, allowed to lack new pieces. Among the new compositions, Josef Strauss included the clever “Angelica Polka” in a Spring Concert on 1 June 1862 in the “Neue Welt” in Hietzing. This was one of the many works by Pepi Strauss to have feminine names or characteristics as their title. No record remains of a dedication to any particular Angelica, and it cannot be assumed that Pepi Strauss was thinking of a girl by this name when he composed it. For him, there was only his wife—Karoline!
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Painting: Self-portrait
Artist: Angelica Kauffman
Date: 1770
Budapest Strauss Symphony Orchestra
Alfred Walter
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Painting: Self-portrait
Artist: Angelica Kauffman
Date: 1770
Budapest Strauss Symphony Orchestra
Alfred Walter