• 6 years ago
@oracle-d, @oracle-d.task - Review a Media #dapp from @stateofthedapps Website - My Review of @dclick Connecting Real World Advertising with the Crypto World!!!

Hello and Welcome to My Review of @dclick. An amazing Decentralized Application that brings "Real World" Advertising and "Monetization" to the #steem powered Blockchain.

@dclick Allows the End-user to do several things in comparison to such platforms like Google Adsense or Maxbounty. In other words, a "PPC" or "Pay Per Click" type of system where the end-user can earn rewards or revenue by monetizing their posts, advertise their opportunities through others that are monetizing their post to gain "Exposure" or "Traffic" to their site or by "Delegation" of SP (Steem Power) to @dclick themselves.

@dclick is listed on @stateofthedapps at this link here:
and are number (4) on the list of @stateofthedapps "Media #dapp" category which you can find at this link here:

Here are my Pros and Cons I have for this #dapp and a summary of what I think of this #dapp.

Pros: I love that fact that you can earn @dclick Tokens, similar to @partiko, in order to get upvotes for your postings on the @steemit blockchain. As you use the tokens to gain upvotes to your post your amount of Tokens collected will lessen. But no worries, you can always get more by monetizing more of your post. You can also hold on to the tokens until the SMT's are released and use them in other ways that will be announced in the future by monetizing your post with @dclick ads. The SMT's may be worth great value like the @steemhunt Tokens of today. How wonderful that would be, right? You can also advertise with @dclick to gain "Exposure" or "Traffic" to your post, products or websites through the Pay Per Click system. And last but not least, you can earn some of the "Revenue" and "@dclick Tokens" by "Delegating SP (Steem Power) to @dclick.

Cons: I would like to see some sort of "Keyword" research tool to find ads that are similar or in the same niche as the post you are posting so you can monetize your post with ads that are within the same niche as your post or closely related to your niche. This is really important I believe because people who come to your post are there because they enjoy the "Subject" of the post so, having similar ads on your post will give a better chance of the people visiting your post to click on the ad if it is something they may enjoy. Having Same Niche Ads on a post will increase the chances of that ad being clicked. Makes sense, right?

I hope you enjoyed this Review of this #dapp. In my Conclusion, this is a fabulous #dapp helps the community on the #steem #blockchain earn and/or advertise here the #steem #blockchain. I have mentioned this #dapp before in another video. There are a lot of people here on the#steem #blockchain who are looking for more ways to earn #steem and I believe that if this #dapp g
