People cheer on Victor Galindez at the Luna Park Buenos Aires 1976

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Report where journalist Juan Carlos Mendizábal comments: - "At 15.33 the caravan is already on Corrientes Avenue and 25 de Mayo St. A real crowd with the world champion Victor Emilio Galindez. offices like rain and so the champion of the world of heavy media is received with authentic warmth, a reception that will surely be unforgettable for him.It will be directed in minutes to Luna Park, applauded by all the audience here throughout Corrientes Avenue, at the moment the fire engine of the Moron Firemen that transported it from the International Airport of Ezeiza turns into Avenida Leandro Alem ". General vehicle views arriving at the vicinity of the Luna Park stadium and surrounded by numerous people on the street. Image of the slips falling from the buildings. General views of the people gathered inside the Luna Park stadium haranguing with songs "Argentina and Victor". Image of Victor Galindez entering the stadium with the promoter Juan Carlos "Tito" Lectoure, the people acclaimed euphoric to the shout of champion and Galindez thanking the crowd with affection. Report to Victor Galindez, in which he is asked: - Did you expect this reception? - Do you think that after this fight with Richie Kates I change your life a little? - The fight was very hard, at some point you felt some hand of Richie Kates? - Did you have to vary the tactical plan of the fight after the fourth round? - Did you think the fight could stop at some point? - In the last round you went to define it just? - The next defense will be against Jacobus Smith? -And after John Conteh maybe? (Juan Carlos Mendizabal / Magnetic)
Reference: Victor Emilio Galindez retained the world title of heavy media when fighting against Richie Kates (USA) in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Date: 5/26/1976
Duration: 5 minutes 46 seconds
Film code: C-00659

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