Families protest expropriation of houses in Ramos Mejía - Bs As 1981

  • hace 5 años
Ramos Mejia: Report where journalist comments: - "We arrived to Ramos Mejia where a group of families, around 100, are affected by an expropriation of housing that covers the occupation of three blocks with the following streets: Dolores, Portela, Echeverria, North America , Segurola and Mármol ". Report to the neighbors, in which they are asked: - Since when are they aware that they are going to be expropriated? - In this case, sir, what is going to happen, the highway or a bridge? -What are they? - Madam, when you heard about this change, that is, that the highway is going to pass through your house? -Do you mean that you were able to finish your house then? -How long have you been aware of this modification that as in your case also that I finish the house? - When I bought it I did not know about this? -How long have you bought your house? (Magnetic / Color)
Detail: Images of the neighborhood and the site where the Armenian Club is located.
Date: 22/7/1981
Duration: 3 minutes 31 seconds
Film code: B-00475

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