No new activity at N. Korea's Sohae launch facility: 38 North

  • 5 years ago
38노스 "北동창리 발사장서 추가 움직임 안 보여"

No new activity at North Korea's Sohae Satellite Launching Station in Dongchang-ri.
This is according to North Korea-monitoring website 38 North.
It said Wednesday that a satellite picture taken on March 8th... indicates that construction on the engine support structure observed over the past few weeks has been completed.
Also rebuilt... is a rail-mounted environmental shelter that conceals the transfer of rocket engines.
Construction materials and debris have been removed from the site.
Another image from March 13th... shows that the site remains pretty much the same.
A vehicle is parked at the observation building... and another few at the security administration building near the main entrance of the launch site.
