Makuli Ma Nlima - Dieu Tout Puissant

  • 5 years ago
Created in 2015 by the maestro Feelhip Mpondo, the gospel crew reveal has been revealed to the public In 2017 through different public performances. In April 2018, they reveal the first EP to the public during a showcase performance.

In June 2018 the crew offer a live performance base on fund raising to help people in need in their local district oy Yaoundé VI.

In December 2018 the crew reveal their album to the public entitled " ÉTERNEL GUÉRIS MON PAYS" with a live show still with a fund raising for a charity reason.

This Video has been licensed by Blue Pie Records, Real Touch Records and Makuli Ma Nlima

For more information on Blue Pie Records and Real Touch Records visit:
