• 6 years ago
Police in Sparta, New Jersey supposedly shot and slaughtered a forceful pet bull after authorities said the creature assaulted its proprietor and charged at a watch vehicle.

Specialists were called to a road in Sparta, a city in Sussex Region found approximately 45 miles northwest of New York City, around 3 p.m. on Friday in regards to reports of a bull moving toward vehicles, NJ.com detailed, refering to police.

The bull's proprietor advised police that she was gone to the territory to "persuade the bull over into its walled in area with sustenance," Lt. John Lamon told the news outlet.

However, the creature before long turned on its proprietor, as the lady "was shouting that the bull was going to slaughter her and should have been shot." In the end, the creature allegedly charged at a cop's watch vehicle.

The proprietor was transported to a clinic with minor wounds, police said. She told police the bull had as of late assaulted her better half, who did not support genuine wounds.
