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Altta bulunan Linke Tıkla :)
6.Sınıf Bilişim Teknolojileri 2. Dönem 1. Yazılı
6.Sınıf 2.Dönem 1.Yazılı 2019 : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM2zs2bTyLSZeqUm7os9sKx_IgmAPzL6p
6. Sınıf DİN KÜLTÜRÜ ve AHLAK BİLGİSİ : https://youtu.be/fljKbVkpIV0
6. Sınıf MATEMATİK : https://youtu.be/r8RgDEcjLXE
6. Sınıf SOSYAL BİLGİLER : https://youtu.be/SakmXY_7zxs
6. Sınıf BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ : https://youtu.be/wyW_u0S13AQ
6. Sınıf TÜRKÇE : https://youtu.be/6Yn_g3pbbNo
6 Sınıf FEN ve TEKNOLOJİ : https://youtu.be/CXoaLfn9Rpc
6. Sınıf ZEKA OYUNLARI : https://youtu.be/vWGZF8QsuNg
6. Sınıf İNGİLİZCE : https://youtu.be/MWIIQJ9SPPk
6. Sınıf OKUMA BECERİLERİ : https://youtu.be/I8sz3qXi-1k
6. Sınıf Kuran-ı Kerim : https://youtu.be/hHLShPRKr3M
6. Sınıf Hz. MUHAMMED'in Hayatı (SİYER) : https://youtu.be/vwuoqaaDIko
6. Sınıf Hukuk ve ADALET : https://youtu.be/iBOgrHFkd44
6.Sınıf TEMEL DİNİ BİLGİLER : https://youtu.be/bXlu7qMM-TQ
6. Sınıf BİLİM UYGULAMALARI : https://youtu.be/E83qYnuFPVI
6.Sınıf Halk Kültürü : https://youtu.be/hYtnKlQJDXI
6. Sınıf Seçmeli DRAMA : https://youtu.be/RD5IBtJZA6M
6.Sınıf Matematik Uygulamaları : https://youtu.be/C7k57eZVtU8
1) A: ……………….. do you go to school every day?
B: Because I must go to school for my future.
a) Where c) Why
b) When d) Whose
2) ……………… a cat family here.
a) There is c) These is
b) There are d) These have
3) I ………… play basketball because I broke my leg.
a) Can c) Could
b) Can’t d) Couldn’t
4) I ……………. drink coke.
a) Never c) Usually
b) Always d) Sometimes
5) She ……………….. her home now.
a) is go c) is going
b) are going d) are go
6) He ……………….. like summer.
a) isn’t c) doesn’t
b) is d) does
7) Where is the cat?
a) It’s in the table.
b) It’s on the table.
c) It’s under the table.
d) It’s next to the table.
8) We’re preparing the picnic basket. We ………………. go to picnic tomorrow.
a) is go to c) is going to
b) are go to d) are going to
9) A: I have fever.
B: You …………… go to doctor.
a) have to c) must
b) has to d) should
10) What is the eight month?
a) January
b) April
c) August
d) September
11) She …………… a nice dress.
a) Have got
b) Have
c) Has got
d) Has
12) A: I’m so sleepy.
B: Me ………….
a) Either c) Neither
b) Nor d) Too
13) …………. do you drive to work every morning?
a) How old
b) How tall
c) How many
d) How long
14) Write the correct season and its month.
15) James isn’t wearing hat, Jack ……….
James Jack
a) isn’t too
b) isn’t either
c) isn’t neither
d) is too
16) I …..... still ………. in the office.
a) Is/work c) am/working
b) Are/working d) am/work
17) Shrek ………….. a big stomach.
a) Have
b) Has got
c) Have got
d) Has
18) You …………………. park.
a) Must
b) Mustn’t
c) Should
d) Shouldn’t
19) She …………… study her homework.
a) Going to
b) Is going to
c) Will
d) Is will
20) The cat is ………… the bed.
a) On
b) Behind
Çekiliş Var :
Altta bulunan Linke Tıkla :)
6.Sınıf Bilişim Teknolojileri 2. Dönem 1. Yazılı
6.Sınıf 2.Dönem 1.Yazılı 2019 : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM2zs2bTyLSZeqUm7os9sKx_IgmAPzL6p
6. Sınıf DİN KÜLTÜRÜ ve AHLAK BİLGİSİ : https://youtu.be/fljKbVkpIV0
6. Sınıf MATEMATİK : https://youtu.be/r8RgDEcjLXE
6. Sınıf SOSYAL BİLGİLER : https://youtu.be/SakmXY_7zxs
6. Sınıf BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ : https://youtu.be/wyW_u0S13AQ
6. Sınıf TÜRKÇE : https://youtu.be/6Yn_g3pbbNo
6 Sınıf FEN ve TEKNOLOJİ : https://youtu.be/CXoaLfn9Rpc
6. Sınıf ZEKA OYUNLARI : https://youtu.be/vWGZF8QsuNg
6. Sınıf İNGİLİZCE : https://youtu.be/MWIIQJ9SPPk
6. Sınıf OKUMA BECERİLERİ : https://youtu.be/I8sz3qXi-1k
6. Sınıf Kuran-ı Kerim : https://youtu.be/hHLShPRKr3M
6. Sınıf Hz. MUHAMMED'in Hayatı (SİYER) : https://youtu.be/vwuoqaaDIko
6. Sınıf Hukuk ve ADALET : https://youtu.be/iBOgrHFkd44
6.Sınıf TEMEL DİNİ BİLGİLER : https://youtu.be/bXlu7qMM-TQ
6. Sınıf BİLİM UYGULAMALARI : https://youtu.be/E83qYnuFPVI
6.Sınıf Halk Kültürü : https://youtu.be/hYtnKlQJDXI
6. Sınıf Seçmeli DRAMA : https://youtu.be/RD5IBtJZA6M
6.Sınıf Matematik Uygulamaları : https://youtu.be/C7k57eZVtU8
1) A: ……………….. do you go to school every day?
B: Because I must go to school for my future.
a) Where c) Why
b) When d) Whose
2) ……………… a cat family here.
a) There is c) These is
b) There are d) These have
3) I ………… play basketball because I broke my leg.
a) Can c) Could
b) Can’t d) Couldn’t
4) I ……………. drink coke.
a) Never c) Usually
b) Always d) Sometimes
5) She ……………….. her home now.
a) is go c) is going
b) are going d) are go
6) He ……………….. like summer.
a) isn’t c) doesn’t
b) is d) does
7) Where is the cat?
a) It’s in the table.
b) It’s on the table.
c) It’s under the table.
d) It’s next to the table.
8) We’re preparing the picnic basket. We ………………. go to picnic tomorrow.
a) is go to c) is going to
b) are go to d) are going to
9) A: I have fever.
B: You …………… go to doctor.
a) have to c) must
b) has to d) should
10) What is the eight month?
a) January
b) April
c) August
d) September
11) She …………… a nice dress.
a) Have got
b) Have
c) Has got
d) Has
12) A: I’m so sleepy.
B: Me ………….
a) Either c) Neither
b) Nor d) Too
13) …………. do you drive to work every morning?
a) How old
b) How tall
c) How many
d) How long
14) Write the correct season and its month.
15) James isn’t wearing hat, Jack ……….
James Jack
a) isn’t too
b) isn’t either
c) isn’t neither
d) is too
16) I …..... still ………. in the office.
a) Is/work c) am/working
b) Are/working d) am/work
17) Shrek ………….. a big stomach.
a) Have
b) Has got
c) Have got
d) Has
18) You …………………. park.
a) Must
b) Mustn’t
c) Should
d) Shouldn’t
19) She …………… study her homework.
a) Going to
b) Is going to
c) Will
d) Is will
20) The cat is ………… the bed.
a) On
b) Behind