The King's Graceland

  • 16 years ago
Giant monuments to superheroes and mythological characters, recreations of Stonehenge made of old cars, and giant coffee pots...lots of giant coffee pots for some strange reason... litter America's highways. That's why we're going to take a look at some of the most offbeat destinations in America. And nothing says all American quirk quite like a visit to the home of the King of Rock and Roll. That's right, Elvis's Graceland mansion, in Memphis Tennessee. His former home has been converted into a monument to the eccentric super star, with a walking museum tour through his trophy room, shooting range, and car collection. There is even a room dedicated to The King's over the top, sequined jumpsuits he wore on stage. Towards the end of the tour, you can visit his meditation garden, where Elvis himself is buried. Visitors are not allowed upstairs, where The King's bedroom remains untouched since the day of his death. And if you're looking for a place to stay while in Memphis for your Elvis experience, check in to The Heartbreak Hotel, a King inspired boutique right down the road from Graceland. Check out one of their themed suites, including the “Graceland Suite,” designed to feel like you are living in the mansion, the art deco Hollywood suite which tips a hat to Elvis's movies, or the Gold and Platinum suite, themed after Elvis's musical triumphs. And if you're feeling frisky, check in for two to the Burning Love room, named after The King's 1972 hit and meant to make you feel like a romantic idol on the level of Elvis himself. So get on down to Graceland and the Heartbreak Hotel for a true slice of American weirdness. Thank you very much (Elvis impresion.) I’m Liesel Hlista for Keep watching for more quirky, odd, and outrageous American travel destinations. Distributed by Tubemogul.

