Directed by : Saeed Al Batal, Ghiath Ayoub
Genre: Documentary - Runtime: 2 h 2 min
French release: 27/03/2019
Production year: 2018
Saeed is a young cinema lover trying to teach other young people in Eastern Ghouta, Syria the rules of filmmaking, but the reality they face is too harsh to follow rules.
His friend Milad is in nearby Damascus, but it seems like a world away, under regime control and studying Fine Arts at University.
At one point, Milad decides to leave the capital and join Saeed living under siege in Douma, where they set up a local radio station and a recording studio. They pick up the camera to lm everything they can until one day the camera films them...
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Genre: Documentary - Runtime: 2 h 2 min
French release: 27/03/2019
Production year: 2018
Saeed is a young cinema lover trying to teach other young people in Eastern Ghouta, Syria the rules of filmmaking, but the reality they face is too harsh to follow rules.
His friend Milad is in nearby Damascus, but it seems like a world away, under regime control and studying Fine Arts at University.
At one point, Milad decides to leave the capital and join Saeed living under siege in Douma, where they set up a local radio station and a recording studio. They pick up the camera to lm everything they can until one day the camera films them...
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