Afghan Envoy Calls For Support To Palestinian Cause - İstanbul

  • 5 yıl önce
Afghanistan's ambassador to Turkey called on international community, particularly the Islamic world, to do its part in supporting Palestinians.In an exclusive interview with Anadolu Agency in Istanbul, Abdul Rahim Sayed said: "This is a humanitarian cause.
Afghanistan's ambassador to Turkey called on international community, particularly the Islamic world, to do its part in supporting Palestinians.

In an exclusive interview with Anadolu Agency in Istanbul, Abdul Rahim Sayed said: "This is a humanitarian cause. Humanitarian assistance is something which is responsibility of all human beings. Especially, the Islamic world should do it."

"If Afghanistan can do it [granting aid] in such a difficult time, everybody can do it," he added.

His remarks came after his government granted $1 million in financial aid for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in an event held in Istanbul on Sunday. Haber