How Robert Kiyosaki [Make (s) Money] in (Economic Recession)

Kritical Media

by Kritical Media

2 views . . . . Maciek is an internet marketing expert who teaches people to make money online regardless of the economic recession or financial turmoil. Maciek: (415) 839-6554 In a recent training call conducted by Mike Dillard and Robert Kiyosaki called "How to Predict the Financial Future", both Dillard and Kiyosaki predicted that this is the BEST time to grow rich. This turmoil is not about “losing” money… This is about (making money) BIG TIME. You can sit back and watch your retirement disappear, or you can be one of the few people out there who actually GET RICH during this incredible period in history. You just need to know how, which is why we created the MLMMastermindPRO self-branded marketing system: to help get you through this economic crisis unscathed. You see, Robert Kiyisaki predicted this economic downturn about 9 months ago. It’s been amazing to watch so many of Robert’s predictions made years ago about the real estate and banking industry, come true. Well I listened to Robert’s message, and I prepared myself and my finances to the coming storm during the past year. Every morning I wake up, there is something new. Lehman Brothers goes bankrupt and is liquidated, Bear Stearns ceases to exist, Merrill Lynch goes belly up and is acquired. And just last week, Washington Mutual Bank and Wachovia got bailed out and acquired by JP MOrgan Chase and Citibank or Wells Fargo (not sure who yet) respecitively. But I’ll be honest with you… Today, as the financial bedrock of America continues to erode morning after morning, it’s had nothing but a positive impact on my financial position thanks to the investments I made after hearing Robert’s words of wisdom. The worse the market gets, the better I sleep. And I don’t say that to rub it in the face of anyone who’s really hurting right now. In fact, that’s most people I know, but here’s the bottom line… All of this was predictable if ...