Are Khap diktats leading to Talibanisation of society?

  • 5 years ago
NewsX: 'Khaps' continue to hold sway, despite being declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, often lording it over the rule of law. In a latest, NewsX brings you a two bizarre diktats by khap panchayats. In Jaisalmer, Khap elders ensured that a family was socially boycotted. Their crime was to get their daughter married according to her wishes. Shoes were hung around the neck of the girl's brother and father and they were shamed in front of the entire village. In Ajmer Om Singh was penalized for selling a piece of his own land. Khaps elders demanded that he pay them Rs 2 lakh as compensation. And when he refused, the Khap threw him and his sons out of the village.