Kejriwal lashes out at PM, Pranab - NewsX

  • 5 years ago
After targeting politician after politician. Arvind Kejriwal exposed what he claimed was the hold corporates have over the government. Specifically naming Reliance Industries and its Chairman - Mukesh Ambani. According to Kejriwal, the country was run by Mukesh Ambani, not Manmohan Singh. Kejriwal brought up a series of decisions taken by a succession of ministers cutting across NDA and UPA claiming that with the exception of Mani Shankar Aiyar and Jaipal Reddy, all others helped RIL make money. Kejriwal alleged that Murli Deora as the former Petroleum Minister and Pranab Mukherjee as the former Finance Minister gave RIL lakhs of crores of undue benefits. Kejriwal pointed to a conspiracy claiming Reliance reduced and hoarded gas to create artificial shortage in order to pressurise the government. He demanded that the KG basin contract be scrapped immediately.

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