Bollywood's leading ladies set the ramp on fire - NewsX

  • 5 years ago
What a day it was at India International Jewelery Week 2012! Yes, we are talking about Day 4 at IIJW. Bollywood's leading ladies Sushmita Sen, Neha Dhupa, Malaika Arora Khan, Bipasha Basu and Yami Gautam dazzled on the ramp. After the twinkles of gleam and glamour on initial days at the Jewelery week, Day 4 turned out to be a dazzler. Reason, a bevy of Bollywood babes exuding oomph on the ramp, and not to forget the bright and precious jewelery they flaunted. Overall, it's a heady mix of sheen (of jewels) and glow (of the ladies) on the runway. While Sushmita Sen enthralled us with a front-slit peplum gown, Bipasha Basu took the ethnic route to make her way into the hearts of the audience. Neha Dhupia as always opted for an unconventional ensemble. And amidst all the glamour and fun that a fashion show usually entails, we hear Sushmita Sen's gown got stuck to her heels. But the babe's mommy dear rectified the faux pas skillfully and soon Sush swaggered on the ramp with her usual infectious confidence.

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