Speak out India: Media's role in Anna Hazare's movement under scanner - NewsX

  • 5 years ago
Speak out India is a NewsX special show which focuses on the main news event of the day. Asking supporters to stay away from violence, anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare and members of his team Tuesday apologised to the media for the scuffle the night before. Hazare even threatened to stop the protest if people continued to misbehave. A fight broke out between Team Anna supporters and mediapersons around 10 p.m. Monday at Jantar Mantar with protestors alleging that the media was not projecting their movement in the right light. The Broadcast Editors' Association (BEA) condemned the incident and demanded an apology from Team Anna. Regretting the attack on media, Hazare told his supporters this morning that he "felt sad" after hearing about the attack on media accusing them of not giving proper coverage to the indefinite fast on corruption issues. He said if the media coverage is not the right way, they should not blame media but should introspect and see if there is any problem with the activists that such reports are coming. With this the Media's role in Anna Hazare movement came under scane. So we ask you today- Should the media take sides in Team Anna-Government war? India comments and shares views at this NewsX special show 'Speak out India'.

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