Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan has courted controversy yet again, by publicly smoking at the Sawai Man Singh Stadium during an IPL match on Sunday. The owner of Kolkata Knight Riders finds himself on a sticky wicket now.
The complaint filed in a Jaipur court accuses the superstar of publicly smoking during an IPL match at the Sawai Man Singh Stadium. The complaint filed by Jaipur Cricket Academy says that the actor was broadcast live while smoking, even though smoking is banned in Rajasthan since 2000. Despite frisking, it would appear that Shah Rukh was allowed to carry his cigarettes inside.
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The complaint filed in a Jaipur court accuses the superstar of publicly smoking during an IPL match at the Sawai Man Singh Stadium. The complaint filed by Jaipur Cricket Academy says that the actor was broadcast live while smoking, even though smoking is banned in Rajasthan since 2000. Despite frisking, it would appear that Shah Rukh was allowed to carry his cigarettes inside.
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