• 6 years ago
The "insiders" featured in this series are no ordinary people: they have held key positions of power and have been in involved in policy and decision making processes. On 11th May, 1998; the ground shook as a nuclear device detonated deep beneath the sands in Pokhran, Rajasthan. Codenamed "Operation Shakti" these tests (later referred to as POKHRAN-II) caught everyone by surprise, including the world intelligence community, especially the Americans. The Vajpayee-led government had pulled it off! India had gone nuclear. Hear the story of how these tests were planned and executed; learn about the levels of secrecy deployed by the then Prime Minister and his team working on these tests to ensure no one comes to know about them; and hear from the man who was in the bunker at the time. In an exclusive interview, Kalyani Shankar caught up with former National Security Advisor to the PM and Principle Secretary- Brajesh Mishra.

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