Day 7: Uproar in Parliament over FDI

  • 5 years ago
Uproar in Parliament on day 7 of the winter session over the issue of FDI.Both houses is reconvening again. Just before the Parliament session, UPA's Chief troubleshooter Pranab Mukherji has made it clear that there is no question of a rollback. This has set the scene for a confrontation over FDI in retail. But the opposition is in no mood to relent .Infact leader of the opposition in Lok Sabha - Sushma Swaraj has tweeted on the issue and said that the BJP was adamant on an adjournment motion on FDI.She has asked : Why is the Government running away from a discussion followed by a vote in the House and said that this means the Government does not have the majority support in the Parliament on this decision.
