India and Pakistan trade blows over Kashmir

  • 5 years ago
Pakistan claims to have shot down two Indian air force jets it said were violating its airspace over Kashmir. One Indian pilot was captured, the other presumed killed.
Tensions have been escalating over the disputed region after Pakistan denied India’s claim it carried out an air strike against the Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) group on February 26. India said the air strike was in retaliation for a suicide bomb attack on February 14 in Indian Kashmir claimed by JeM that killed more than 40 troops.
“A very large number,” of militants were killed, Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale said.
However, Pakistan said no casualties were recorded. China called on its two neighbours to “exercise restraint”. Pakistan had vowed to respond “at the time and place of its choosing”.
(Photo: AFP File photo)
