• 5 years ago
President Trump on Wednesday again went after Richard Blumenthal.

 President Trump on Wednesday revived his attack on Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal's misrepresentation of his service during the Vietnam War. Trump, who is now in Vietnam for a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, wrote in a tweet: "I have now spent more time in Vietnam than Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, the third rate Senator from Connecticut (how is Connecticut doing?). His war stories of his heroism in Vietnam were a total fraud - he was never even there. We talked about it today with Vietnamese leaders!"  "How does Da Nang Dick (Blumenthal) serve on the Senate Judiciary Committee when he defrauded the American people about his so called War Hero status in Vietnam, only to later admit, with tears pouring down his face, that he was never in Vietnam. An embarrassment to our Country!" Trump tweeted about a month ago. Blumenthal's misrepresentation of his service during the war was exposed by the New York Times in May of 2010.  While the then-Senate-candidate had suggested on occasion that he was in Vietnam, he actually "served stateside in the Marine Reserve after receiving five draft deferments." Blumenthal apologized not long after the Times published its report, saying in a statement: "I have made mistakes and I am sorry. I truly regret offending anyone. I will always champion the cause of Connecticut's and our nation's veterans." In more recent times, he's been a consistent critic of Trump and has addressed the president's use of the Internet to attack others.  Just ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, he said at a town hall in Connecticut: "I think implicitly he has condoned or encouraged some of the worst instincts in the some of the most misguided people in our society. The use of certain code words — 'nationalists,' 'globalists,' 'invaders' — sends signals to people who populate the internet...with messages of hatred. And hate speech can lead to hate crimes." 


