Ravan interesting Facts रावण के बारे में रोचक और अद्भूत जानकारी -Ravan to sirf raavan hai
Ravana is described in the Hindu epic Ramayana as the demon king of Lanka. Ravana is described as having been as a follower of Shiva, a great scholar, a capable ruler and a maestro of the Veena, but someone who wished to overpower the Devas. His ten heads represent his knowledge of the six shastras and the four Vedas.
Ravana is described in the Hindu epic Ramayana as the demon king of Lanka. Ravana is described as having been as a follower of Shiva, a great scholar, a capable ruler and a maestro of the Veena, but someone who wished to overpower the Devas. His ten heads represent his knowledge of the six shastras and the four Vedas.