[Eng] Ngao Asoke Asoke's Shadow เงาอโศก (2008) Episode 2

  • 5 years ago
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00:27♫ Born into life, that is like a shadow ♪
00:33♫ Who awaits light from the horizon ♪
00:40♫ I only come into existence when you shed light my way ♪
00:46♫ Without you, I vanish away. ♪
00:53♫ I know that you're far away, but please let me look at you ♪
01:00♫ In my life, I only need this much. ♪
01:05♫ Not brave enough to love you, just secretly loving you I am still afraid ♪
01:12♫ I can only remind myself, who I am. ♪
01:19♫ I'm just a fading shadow ♪
01:22♫ Getting only a flicker of light from you ♪
01:27♫ I feel happy with just this much . . . ♪
01:34♫ it's more than enough. ♪
01:45I have to apologize to you both.
01:49Even though there won't be any engagement party,
01:51I stand here to affirm.
01:53that I..
01:54I will only love Wiyada.
01:59- Mon!! - Look at him, look at me!
02:02Lost his mind! Stupid, ungrateful!!
02:05-Come back!! - Calm down!!
02:08- Stop - Calm down, dear calm down.
02:11- Let go! Let me go! - Keep calm.
02:17What's going on? I'm all confused.
02:19That's right, Khun Jian.
02:22There's probably nothing. Why don't you both go home first. Would that be better?
02:26Let them calm down and then we can talk about it again.
02:31But Mother...
02:33Okay, dear. Let us go back home first, okay?
02:39We will take your leave.
02:43Mon!! Where are you going?!
02:45Come down here, right now!
02:47Where are you running away from me?
02:52Here, Mon!
02:54I told you to come out!
02:55Why are you hiding from me? Come out now, Mon!
02:59- Mon! Come out! - My Dear,
03:01Khun Ying. Khun Ying, stop causing trouble for a change.
03:05Let go!!
03:08My patience has come to an end.
03:10Mon, even as a kid was never hit.
03:14What kind of mother are you? That you do this to your child?
03:18Alright. I'm wrong.
03:21I was too good to him, and now we have a copy of you.
03:26Don't be blaming me!
03:29Do you know that right now...
03:30you are acting like a mental case every minutes.
03:34Who made me like this? Answer!
03:37Who? Who? Who?
03:39Stop! What's wrong with you!
03:43Stop it, both of you!!
03:52He is my father,
03:55But I also am something else, me who has feeling.
03:57And have my own thoughts.
04:03Mom, can't you believe me?
04:06I give you my word
04:07There's no way that I will mess with a woman...
04:09that I don't love for sure.
04:14I don't believe you.
04:18I don't care,
04:21think what you want.
04:23Whatever you want to believe, it's up to you.
04:25But my word still stands.
04:27That engagement...
04:29will never happen!
04:36Stubborn boy. You wait and see.
04:41I won't stop to do it either. Hah!
04:48Khun Ying and Khun Monthai have a big fight because of you alone.
04:52We are their servants who receive their gratitude everyday.
04:56You should remember this.
05:00Don't do anything to be in trouble like this again! Do you understand?
05:06Yes, mother.
05:29Khun Mon,
05:32I'm sorry.
06:01Oh is this for me 10 Baht?
06:05You want you to have something good to eat for a day.
06:09And I don't hope to gain anything in return.
06:12Consider it as out of kindness.
06:15Buy grandma food and medicine
06:27He's a prince...
06:35My dear god.
06:37I know now. A kind Prince in a fairytale really do exist.
06:41And that Prince's name is Monthai.
06:44Please God, bless Khun Mon.
06:48Please let him sleep well and have good dreams.
07:02Grandma!! Where are you ?
07:10- She's here just in time. - Grandma.
07:13She's here. Good. We won't waste time.
07:16You go get your luggage and get in my car.
07:19Then we can go home.
07:22Wait. My home is here. Where are you taking me?
07:26Don't you know? Your grandma has given you to me.
07:34Grandma !
07:37Grandma! You've given me to someone else? Don't you love me anymore?
07:42Oh, you are really delusional.
07:45I'm not your real grandmother at all.
07:48Your mom gave me to raised you. But did she give me any money?
07:52Then she had to go and died. And left you for me to raised.
07:56Eight years for me to suffer. It is really too much.
08:08Take it! Go live with them. Go!
08:11No, Grandma...No. Here she is yours . Take care of her !!
08:15- I don't want to go! - I have already told your grandma that I would take good care of you.
08:20I will let you go to school too. Go, let's go live with me.
08:24Yes, take her away!! Grandma!! I don't want to go!!
08:27Go! Go! Come live with me. Don't be stubborn!
08:32Come on, child !! Stop crying!! Please let go of my hand!!
08:37Grandma, I want you!! Grandma, don't send me away I want to be with you...Release me!! Grandma !!
08:51What's this?
08:55Are you crazy? What's this?
08:57Your granddaughter is really stubborn!
08:59I'm not messing with her. You raised her yourself.
09:01Hold on. Come back. Don't go!
09:09Stupid, child!
09:11How can you be so stupid?
09:28Bee, how can you be so stubborn? Why?
09:32You want to stay here. What good it is?
09:35I've found you a good place. How come you don't want to go stay?
09:38I know, I am misbehaving.
09:41You can hit me if you want but don't leave me.
09:46I want to stay with you, grandma!
09:49You want to stay with me so bad!
09:53Silly child, won't listen!!
09:56Having nothing and begging, how is that happy?
09:59What's so good here that you want to stay?
10:03I have you, Grandma. That's why.
10:14Khun Mon gave us money to eat for one day.
10:17You even taught me to be grateful to him.
10:21Why? Why don't you want me to take care of you?
10:26Didn't you raised me since I was a baby?
10:33You are really too much.
10:36My dear child...
10:43- Grandma... - No, child, no crying...
10:46I don't know when I will died.
10:50I don't want to listen, Grandma. Don't talk about dying.
10:54You have to promise me, that you will stay with me for a long time.
10:58When I grow up, I will work and support you myself.
11:28Oh! You've dressed up. Where are you going? Mon.
11:31I'm going the the embassy, aunt Jian.
11:34What about Mum?How is she?
11:36Better not talk about it. After waking up with such sour face.Now I even don't know where she walked.
11:43You are really! Why did you argue with your Mum?
11:50I told the truth.
11:52Mum's done too much with Lak.
11:54After seeing I felt pity for her.
11:57Mum's thought too much, really.
11:58Oh! You knew that if your Mum believed in something.It's difficult to change her mind, right?
12:04If you're really felt pity for Lak as you said,
12:07I think you better stay far from her, believe me.
12:32Madam! (Khun Ying!)
12:39I thought you wouldn't be able to get up.
12:45Are you alone?
12:52Yes, Madam.
13:03Khun Mon, I come to visit you.
13:07I'm worry about you for what happened last night.
13:09I heard that you're going to the embassy, right?
13:17I'm sorry for what happened last night.
13:22You also had no fun.
13:25Never mind. I understand you.
13:29Thank you.
13:32Khun Mon!
13:34The medicine for heeling bruise. I got it.
13:38Thank you very much Nu.
13:41It's nothing happened with you.Why do you have to use medicine?
13:45This European medicine they said it's very good.I'm going to give some to Lak.
13:52I'll leave now, it's going to be late.
13:58Just a moment!
14:01Khun Mon. Aren't you in hurry to go to the embassy?
14:04Let's me go to visit Lak instead, OK?
14:09Let's me bring the medicine to give to Lak instead of you.
14:13Then I'll let you do it for me.
14:19Let's go.
14:24Because of you. Only you!
14:27Making Mon stand against me.
14:42I want to beat you. Beat you to death!
14:45I want to see if your shame will go out.
14:50I beg you, Madam.
14:54Madam, please.
14:57Madam, please listen to me first.
15:00I'm sorry.
15:04Aunt! What are you doing?
15:07Wi, you should go out first.I'm going to teach her.
15:11Please don't do it, Aunt.
15:14If K'Mon knows he'll be angry.
15:18K'Mon, he worried about her that much. Look!
15:24He even ask me to give her medicine for curing bruise for Lak's.
15:30I don't know what Lak's done for K'Mon.So he's worried about her that much.
15:36Here is the medicine for heeling bruise for you.
15:48You've pleaded with sweet words, right?
15:52I didn't go. I didn't go.
15:55So why did he give you medicine like this. Right? Right?
16:00No, it's not like that.
16:04It's not like that, Madam.
16:08Madam, Madam..
16:12I didn't flirt with K'Mon. I can swear, Madam.
16:17Madam, please don't beat me.
16:21Did you still argue with me?The evidence is here.
16:26You! You dared to argue with me. Come here!
16:29Madam! Please don't beat me.
16:45Oy! What're you doing? Pim.
16:48Cut the pork meat as big as the wall. Who taught you that?
16:52This one also run into people. How come?
16:56Staying in the noble's house still don't learn anything.
16:58K'Jian. Please teach me later.
17:02Right now please hurry to help Lak first.
17:06Lak! My daughter!
17:08Lak! Lak!
17:13In case speaking nicely, you didn't listen.
17:16I'll make you not able to meddle with whoever again.
17:21Wi! Give me the scissor.
17:24For what do you want it?
17:25Just bring it!
17:44Here you are, Aunt.
17:55You might think that
17:57your appearance will be the stairs for you to be daughter in law of Mahartawet, right?
18:02I'm sorry!
18:04That I can read your mind.
18:06It's me.
18:08Who will cut your stairs myself.
18:10Come here!
18:11No! Madam!
18:13Where are you going?
18:14Madam! Madam!
18:17Please be kind to me. Please!
18:19Be kind, right? Here!
18:23Be kind!
18:24Be kind, right?
18:27Here! Be kind.
18:33I'll cut your hair then.
18:35Be kind and so what?
18:37Come here! Where are you going?
18:41Let's see!
18:43How dare you to show your face to anybody else?
18:47Come here!
18:56Release me!
19:02Enough Tuptim!
19:04Don't make it worst than now. If you don't want others to think that you've bullied the child. Understand?
19:09It's their business.
19:11If you beat the snake, you must kill it.
19:13Stay back!
19:18Come here!
19:22That's enough.
19:23Since I've been your friend for 30 years,
19:25I've never asked you anything since I came here to take care of Mon.
19:29Can you do it for your friend this time? Tuptim.
19:37I beg you, please.
19:39From now on I will take care of her myself.
19:44If she'll talk with K'Mon even once,
19:47I agreed for you to beat me to death.
19:58Remember your word, Mom!
20:02If your daughter come closer to my son even one braza.
20:06Not only her hair for the whole head,
20:09even her life also will not be left. Understand?
21:08So crazy, crazy, crazy.
21:16What's happened? You're face is so bitter.
21:20Do you want be to behave like nothing happened? Dad.
21:25K'Mon will fly abroad already.
21:28I don't know if I could engage with him.
21:33So what does Khun Ying Tuptim want to do with our daughter?
21:38Don't worry. Wi!
21:40If your aunt said something. She meant that.
21:43Tomorrow I'll go to meet her.
21:46I'll ask for her promised about the engagement for you.
21:49Are you sure?
21:52Because I don't really trust that servant Lakkana.
22:01Why did you find the trouble nonstop like this?
22:05This child.
22:07Just look for the trouble.
22:10I didn't do anything, Mum.
22:17Madam has come.
22:19She cherishes K'Mon very much
22:23If she sees you get close to K'Mon one more time,
22:28You must lost your neck.
22:35I'm afraid of doing it already, Mum.
22:38I dare not get close to K'Mon anymore.
22:43Even you don't do it,
22:46but if K'Monthai comes near you.
22:48You'll be death anyhow.
22:52Mum. What do you want me to do?
23:10What are you going to do?
23:16Mum! Why do you have to do with me like this?
23:20I'm your daughter.
23:22Because you're my daughter.
23:24That's why I have to do like this.
23:25Mum! Mum!
23:26From now on you must stay inside the room only.
23:29Stay inside the room until K'Monthai will go abroad.
23:37Mum! Mum!
23:47Mum! I'm your daughter
24:08Mu, you can go to America
24:10You received the Arts scholarship
24:22Am I dreaming?
24:24I am so happy
24:26Mum! Mum!
24:27Where are you, mum?
24:29I have a good news
24:32Mum, I have received the arts scholarship
24:34I got it
24:38really my son?
24:39Mum is so happy for you
24:45Mu, did you really receive the scholarship?
24:49Khun Pa. . .
24:51I am so happy! You're the best!
25:11Khun Pa wants the fireworks left over from last night
25:16Nu, Can you bring it to her?
25:20Yes, mom.
25:22Khun Pa, please wait a moment.
25:48I will help you
25:53There is no need
26:01I told you not to call me "Khun"?*Khun = formal title
26:03I will beat you up
26:05Don't you remember what I told you?
26:10Here, the things you wanted, Khun Pa.
26:30What's wrong with you?
26:32why do you treat me this way?
26:39Khun Pa, you got what you wanted.
26:42- Please excuse me. - Nu!
26:49What's wrong?
26:55why do you ignore me?
27:03We are friends
27:08I am not your friend
27:12you know
27:13who are you,
27:16and who I am.
27:22You should not be friends with me
27:29in fact
27:31you should not even be standing here now
27:57- Let's go! - Nu.
27:58let me go
28:00Nu, let go! Where are you taking me? Let go!
28:07why are you behaving this way?
28:12You are like the flowers in the sky
28:13you should not even touch the soil here
28:17Go back to your palace!
28:20and, don't ever find me again
28:29I don't need
28:41if you think that way
28:45then I apologize to you
28:49that I gave you problems
29:03Pa . . .
29:06I am sorry.
29:25what you did is right my son
29:29we must know where we stand
29:34mum don't wish to see you being punished like Lak
30:03Who are you looking for Missy?
30:06I am looking for Khun Monthai.
30:10Here to see Khun Monthai?!
30:18oh, Bee.
30:21Khun Mon
30:24How are you?
30:26How are you?
30:28You looked more like a person today
30:32is there anything I can do for you?
30:35I am here to return you the money
30:38I will return the favor by doing housework for you
30:44is your fees expensive?
30:46if expensive, I don't have money to pay you
30:51I don't need your money
30:53Your consideration for saving my grandma's and my life,
30:57For this life time
30:59I wouldn't be able to repay it all back.
31:19Bee, come here a bit.
31:24stand on the chair
31:28go on
31:37Now, we're the same height.
31:42why? what do you need me to do?
31:49I want to tell you that
31:51when you are is as tall as me
31:58I will assign housework for you to do
32:02so wait
32:05you must remember the promise
32:09I will not forget
32:13very good
32:15Mon, what is this?
32:18whose child is this?
32:20She stays down the lane
32:22Bee, I brought her here for some sweets
32:29How do you do, Madam?
32:31ha...this little girl
32:33Oh my! She called me Khun Ying (Madam)
32:40Aren't you Khun Mon's mother?
32:56It's the most delicious ever!
32:58Since I was born, I have never eaten something so delicious!
33:02She's a sweet talker. If it's delicious eat a lot.
33:05Bee if you like it, bring some food home
33:08there is no need to be shy
33:12I don't have many family members
33:16I don't have a father...or mother
33:20only a grandma
33:28Khun Mon, you are fortunate
33:31you have a father and a mother
33:36When you can hug your father and mother,
33:38is it a warm good feeling, Khun Mon?
33:49I don’t have any parents, I want to know
33:59possibly just like what you mentioned
34:03as I thought
34:05Grandma told me that, I have to be good child
34:08So I will get a father and mother in my next life
34:11Khun Mon, with both your parents
34:13you must be a very good child
