David Chater and Gjakova city, dt.13.06.1999

  • 16 years ago
On the eve of celebrating the tenth anniversary of the liberation of the Gjakova and ending of the war in Kosova, i propose mr.Pal Lekaj, the Mayor of the Muncipality of Gjakova and the Muncipal Assembly of Gjakova, to take into account and debate this matter in order to approve th proposals as follows:
Starting from the presented facts in this letter, about the very human mission carried out by th journalist DAVID CHATER and the Italian KFOR commander,for saving of the town of Gjakova on 13.06.1999,I propose:

1.The journalist of SKY NEWS,mr.DAVID CHATER, and the first commander of Italian KFOR forces, to be awarded the Honorary Citizens of Gjakova.

2.The first meeting place of the citizens of Gjakova with the journalist DAVID CHATER and Italian KFOR forces at the by pass tri,to be called CHATER SQUARE OR NATO SQUARE.

3.To build pompous obelisk at the by pass triangle, as a life lon respect to NATO and our historical allies.

With respect:dr.Besnik Bardhi
Adviser at the Muncipality Assembly
