After War: Panama -el chorrillo-

  • hace 5 años
Fragment of the documentary series After the War: Panama

A portrait of Panama through the eyes of its inhabitants: victims of the invasion, families traversed by the canal and important lawyers.

Panama is a country created by the US and for the interests of the US. The Panama Canal has been essential for its industrial development. 35,000 workers died to build this communication channel, designed to prevent american goods from having to cross the Rocky Mountains by train. The Canal marks the relationship between Panama and the United States, as well as the history of the isthmian country and of all of Central America.

In order to keep the Canal under their control, the United States invaded Panama. After loosing their influence on the ex president, Manuel Antonio Noriega, bombing was once more the solution for them.

There is still no official death toll of the invasion. The victims have maintained the memory alive for three decades, in the face of the inaction of successive governments.

After the invasion, the neoliberal program imposed by the US is consolidated. And Panama City became a global money laundering center
