• 6 years ago
Coming across PATRICK speaking ~ his speciality would appear to be Money and Banking ~ I thought, ‘I really ought to put this fella on my channel.’ It was certainly refreshing that he wasn’t shouting about Christianity or Islam, which dominate the Corner.

The other speakers are Myself (and the shirt gives it away that I am on one my ‘highs’) AND of course my old mate NICHOLAS, annoyed and complaining. And quite right too!

Viewers should try to see the first time, back in 2003, that Me and Nicholas were videoed, using a borrowed camcorder. It’s called A SUNDAY IN PARADISE

In a hurry, perhaps, to get through my backlog of videos-to-be-made, and get up to date ~ I felt it could do with some extra captions, by way of explanation.

This is one of the longer videos on TheSundayShout. I thought I’d include more audience ‘participation’ ~ also that’s a very kind and generous description for the kind of things Hyde Park orators have to attempt to deal with!

