42min | Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family | TV Movie 1 June 2001
The night a mysterious stranger rode into the lonely prairie town of West Sage, no one realized their lives would never be the same.
Director: John Schmidt
Stars: Tom Bosley, Florence Henderson, Bruce Marchiano
The night a mysterious stranger rode into the lonely prairie town of West Sage, no one realized their lives would never be the same.
Director: John Schmidt
Stars: Tom Bosley, Florence Henderson, Bruce Marchiano
Short filmTranscript
00:30Easy, Julius.
00:48Steady, boy.
00:49Through the course of history,
01:19the story has been told time and time again.
01:32Through living examples of God's grace, sacrifice, and forgiveness.
02:18A mysterious stranger makes his way across the rugged plains,
02:39on his way to a lonely prairie town.
02:48Because of his journey there, this town will never be the same.
03:08Oh, boy.
03:29Let's go, Julius.
03:48It's okay, man.
04:17You can go back to sleep.
04:20You're a long way from home, little fella.
04:22Don't worry, the wolf's gone.
04:25I think you made enough noise to scare ten of them away.
04:28Feel free to stay.
04:32I know what it's like to be a long way from home, too.
04:35We'll be fine.
04:40You could have just said hello.
04:43Have you ever been chased by a hungry wolf?
04:46What's your name?
04:47I thought it was going to be dinner.
04:49It's Chester.
04:52So, uh, does this guy eat meat?
04:54Because he looks like a meat-eater to me.
04:56Am I going to end up on his plate?
04:57You wouldn't be much of a meal.
04:59Yeah, well, tell that to the wolf out there.
05:01You're safe now.
05:03Although I don't think we're going anywhere near the mountains.
05:07Is that a problem?
05:08You are a mountain goat.
05:10Well, if you want to get technical about it.
05:13I think you've got bigger problems, pal.
05:16Uh, is he going to make you pull that without wheels?
05:24Tell me the truth.
05:25This guy's a lunatic, right?
05:27What makes you say that?
05:29Oh, I don't know.
05:30Maybe the fact that he made a sleigh out of his wagon and there isn't any snow.
05:34Trust him.
05:38That's all it was.
05:42Whatever you say.
05:58Isn't it a beautiful day?
06:01Is it?
06:02Well, I hadn't thought about it.
06:04I guess it is.
06:12What's that?
06:13Well, Matt, it could be our new home.
06:43Oh, yeah.
06:44This guy's not playing with the full deck.
06:47Welcome, welcome.
06:49Sit right there by the stove.
06:56Sally, get the man a cup of coffee.
06:58Isn't that what I'm doing?
07:00Oh, you got lost, didn't you, young fella?
07:02People don't pay any attention to where they're going these days.
07:05That's not quite fair, sister.
07:07Perhaps the blizzard.
07:10He has the look of a man who doesn't pay attention.
07:13You do.
07:14No use denying it.
07:15Could happen to anyone.
07:16I'd be glad to saddle up and ride over towards St. Clair with you.
07:20Get you back on track.
07:21I think there's been some misunderstanding.
07:24Can't admit he's lost.
07:26But eat something first.
07:27I'll water your horse.
07:29He has a pet goat, too.
07:31A pet goat?
07:32Why, of all the foolish...
07:33If I could just explain.
07:35How on earth do you explain a pet goat?
07:37Sister, please let the man speak.
07:40Let me clear something up.
07:42I'm not lost.
07:43The fact is, I intend to stay.
07:51Hey, come back.
07:55Why not?
07:58Oh, man.
07:59Lucky shot.
08:00How about that?
08:02Even luckier.
08:03By the way, hello.
08:05Um, hello.
08:15Um, you know, when I left the mountains,
08:18this was not what I had in mind.
08:20Well, you're not going anywhere tonight.
08:22Where are we, anyway?
08:23Could it get much colder?
08:25Does the wind ever stop blowing out here?
08:27Man, you ask a lot of questions.
08:30Do you want answers, or do you just like to hear yourself talk?
08:34Who's there?
08:35Shh, quiet.
08:37We don't get many visitors here,
08:39so some of us don't get to practice our company manners.
08:44Many visitors?
08:45We never get any.
08:47That's no excuse.
08:50Where are we, exactly?
08:52Thirty miles from nowhere and sixteen miles from never was.
08:56Unfortunately, there's more than a little truth to that.
09:00Not that it can't change.
09:02But here in West Sage,
09:04we've been limping along since the railroad passed us by a few years back.
09:09Limping along?
09:10We should be so lucky.
09:12Why, just the other day, I was looking for...
09:15The sooner you find something positive to do with yourself,
09:18the better off you'll be.
09:20Listen, do yourself a favor and hop on the first thing out of here.
09:24Don't make me come over there.
09:26Tell me about the people.
09:28That little girl.
09:29Ah, Lucy.
09:31Poor thing.
09:33She lost her mother a few years ago.
09:35A tragedy, of course.
09:41She and her father are barely holding on.
09:44They have a farm a ways out,
09:46but they live in town during the winter.
09:48I think that's good.
09:51From what I've seen,
09:52humans do better when they're near their own kind.
10:00Mr. Long!
10:02Mr. Long, wait!
10:03Ah, sweet, sweet Jane.
10:05Now, there's someone Lucy could stand to be around a lot more.
10:09Hmm, and Thomas, too.
10:11And there's the reason why they don't.
10:14Jane, would you come here, please?
10:16Jane! Jane Albury!
10:18I don't know why her sister Maureen is so cross all the time.
10:22In my opinion, she needs someone to come along and ruffle her feathers.
10:26Come to think of it,
10:28Paul could stand to have the icicles shaken out of our tree.
10:32Is that why you're here?
10:34Could be.
10:35There you go, ma'am.
10:36This town sure could use some shaking up.
10:39You just catch a foal into town
10:41Without a ruffling a feather or two
10:45Hoo, hoo, hoo
10:48He's gonna set up his shop
10:50Send my livelihood to timber, too
10:54What we gonna do?
10:55What we gonna do?
10:57I think I know before long
10:59We're gonna find he's a con
11:01He's got a wagon of tricks
11:03I like him much better gone
11:05I think I know
11:07I think I know
11:08I think I know
11:09He's gonna shake a little dust
11:15If it's a government acquisition
11:17It puts me in a bad position here in town
11:20Pack him up, move him out
11:23I bet his wagon's full of every new and fancy fangled thing
11:27Without a doubt
11:29What are we gonna do?
11:32I think I'm willing to bet
11:34Haven't seen his true colors yet
11:36He seems so nice and sincere
11:39He must be lost if he's here
11:41I think I know
11:42I think I know
11:43I think I know
11:44He's gonna shake a little dust
11:50I think I know
11:51I think I know
11:52I think I know
11:53I think I know
11:54This town could use some shaking up
11:56Oh yeah, this town sure could use some shaking up
12:15Boy, am I hungry
12:18Probably nothing to eat but snow
12:20Let's see, what do we got here?
12:23What do we got?
12:26Hey, hey, hey, hey!
12:30Hey, that's our food!
12:32You can't have it!
12:37Find your own breakfast!
12:39Hey, hey, hey!
12:40He's robbing the house!
12:41Lock the door!
12:42Don't let him escape!
12:43Get the food!
12:45Someone, help!
12:47Help, please!
12:50What is it?
12:53Hurry, hurry, hurry!
12:55Hurry, group!
12:57After him, ladies!
13:03Della, you gotta help me!
13:04You gotta help me!
13:05Oh, please, I'm not turning
13:12You're a mountain goat, jump up to the hayloft
13:14I can't
13:15He's ours now, girls
13:16Watch out for the horns!
13:18That one is fast
13:20We'll need you to eat our food
13:22Oh, Delma!
13:24Hey, short, quick there, ladies
13:26Oh, that hurts
13:27Easy, girls
13:28Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot
13:29Go on, off to be ashamed of yourselves
13:31It's twelve to one
13:33She's mad, she's mad!
13:38Oh, oh
13:40In case you didn't pick up on it
13:42The ladies don't like it when you touch their food
13:46Thanks, I'll remember that
13:48You could have avoided all that by just jumping up to the hayloft
13:52Oh, don't you think I wanted to?
13:54I can't, I'm...
13:58I'm afraid of heights
14:00Oh, guess that makes it kind of tough to be a mountain goat
14:04So instead, I'm in the middle of nowhere
14:08Reduced to playful sport for pecking poultry
14:15Well, look at it this way
14:17Everything is bound to be uphill from here
14:19Oh, Delma
14:21Sorry, bad metaphor
14:30Matt, if I were you, I'd duck
14:35Did you ever miss?
14:38What's your name?
14:40Well, I'm John Sonneman, and this here is Matt
14:43There's one thing you should know about this fellow
14:45Oh, what's that?
14:47He can run like the wind, and he has my permission to chase you from here to the Rockies
14:57You're okay, you're a mountain goat
14:59How are you doing?
15:01Are you ready to open your eyes?
15:03Yes, yes, I am
15:05On the count of three
15:07You're doing great, Chester
15:10You're a mountain goat, and you'll have this fear of heights licked in no time
15:15Open your eyes
15:23Okay, that's a start
15:29Oh, Miss Aubrey
15:30After all these years, maybe you could call me Jane
15:36You've had bad news
15:38I'm sorry
15:39Bad news?
15:40No, no, not at all
15:42In fact, it's good news
15:44Very good
15:46Jane! Jane Aubrey!
15:49Yes, sister
15:51Excuse me, I have to find Lucy
15:57Are those muffins?
15:58Where could you possibly be going with...
16:00Oh, Jane
16:02Yes, Maureen
16:03I'm actually going to try and be a good neighbor
16:08Well, at least find out everything you can about him
16:15A mountain goat who's afraid of heights
16:18Oh, that's good
16:21You know, Rusty
16:22One of these days, you're going to go too far
16:30Look, I'm falling
16:36Come on, guys, lighten up
16:37We're finally getting some laughs around here
16:44I'm falling
16:45I like a laugh as much as anyone else
16:47Well, then, if he wants to laugh, let's laugh
16:57No, don't
17:16Are you okay?
17:17Oh, that looked like it hurt, huh?
17:21You're right, it is good to laugh
17:24Oh, Rusty
17:25A little help here, guys?
17:27You're not afraid of heights, are you, Rusty?
17:31Welcome to West Sage
17:33As for the people here, well, they can be friendly
17:39Thank you for the muffins
17:40Yeah, thanks
17:43I'll let you and your father get back to work
17:49John's not my father
17:51My parents died a while back and...
17:53Oh, well, he's finding me a new family
17:56Oh, I'm so glad
17:58Well, he's finding me a new family
18:00Oh, I'm so sorry, and here I...
18:03Forgive me
18:04You don't have to feel bad
18:06John said he'd find someone perfect for me
18:09And he will
18:10You can trust John
18:16But, father, you can't marry someone you don't even know
18:19You need a mother, Lucy
18:21There's no getting around that
18:23And my brother found a woman who's willing to be that for you
18:27But what about love? What about...
18:30It's settled
18:31I leave for Chicago in a few days to meet her
18:34We'll be married there, and I'll have her back here by Christmas morning
18:52Is this too fast?
18:54Don't worry about me
18:56Who ever heard of a goat pulling a sled?
19:00Come on, boy, faster, Tester
19:03Aha! Come on, Julius
19:11Ladies, the moon is caressing the sky
19:14The clouds are embracing the moon
19:16And the snowflakes are floating down just to kiss our cheeks
19:21No, it is not a night to stay inside
19:23That man's lost his mind
19:25You'd better hurry, Maureen
19:27I can't make Mr. Sonneman wait forever
19:34I refuse to leave the warmth of this house
19:36What's more?
19:37What's more?
19:38I insist you slow this animal down to a dignified trot
19:41No, go faster
19:44Okay, hold on, ladies
19:45This is fun
19:47Come on, Franklin
19:48Of course, if you're too tired or worn out
19:50Too tired, too worn out?
19:53Well, I'll show you
19:59I'll show you tired
20:01I'll show you worn out
20:06Hey, there's three of us, but only one of you
20:11That's the way
20:18Listen, you slow this thing down right now
20:21I'm still beating you
20:23And Miss Maureen has a good ten pounds on her sister
20:28See you later
20:31Come on, let's go, come on
20:34Come on, boy, faster, you can do it
20:42Hang on, Thomas
20:48First one out to Willow Lake and back to town is the winner
20:51You're on
20:55Get on, Julius
20:56Come on, Betsy
21:07That's it
21:09We're gonna beat him
21:17Hold on, here we go
21:20That's it
21:31That's it
21:40Come on, here we go
21:43That's it
21:55That's it
21:56That's it
22:16That's what I'd call an adventure
22:18It's been a while since I...
22:20Maybe we could do it again
22:22Yes, that would be...
22:24Well, maybe after I'm married it...
22:28My brother has arranged that Lucy needs a mother
22:31Brother, I thought it would be best if...
22:33I'm going to Chicago in the morning to get married
22:38Good night, Mr. Long
22:42Good night
22:54Are you sure you don't mind me taking your horse?
22:56Yours threw a shoe, you don't have a choice
22:58Well, don't worry
22:59I'll stable Julius near the depot
23:01He'll be comfortable there till...
23:03Till I get back from Chicago
23:05I never worry about things like that, Thomas
23:07Julius knows what he's doing, don't you, boy?
23:09I'm glad Lucy has a friend like you, Matt
23:11If you can, cheer her up while I'm gone
23:14After all, it's almost Christmas and...
23:16Mr. Long, Lucy doesn't want to get married
23:18She doesn't want to get married
23:20She doesn't want to get married
23:22Mr. Long, Lucy doesn't want a new mother
23:25At least not this way
23:26That's enough, Matt
23:28Safe journey, Thomas
23:29Come on, Julius
23:30Let's go, boy
23:35Why are you letting him go?
23:37I thought you understood
23:39I do
23:40Hey, I thought you trusted me
23:44You missed the big guy
23:46Go ahead, tease me about that too
23:49I've been kind of thinking
23:51Hanging up there like I did
23:53But, you know, being afraid of heights makes sense
23:56I mean, one slip
23:58Tell me about it
23:59But there's something else
24:01Something I was wondering if you ever thought about
24:05That feeling in the pit of your stomach when you're nervous
24:09Did you know that's the exact same feeling you get when you're excited?
24:15So this is what I'm thinking
24:17Maybe you're not afraid of heights
24:19Maybe you're just real excited
24:21I mean, me, I hate snakes
24:23But I gotta admit, whenever I see one, I always stop and look
24:27Of course, then I run, but...
24:29Rusty, why are you talking to me like this?
24:32Look, Thelma's right
24:34It's easy to criticize
24:36It's harder to do something
24:38That's why, new pal of mine
24:40I'm going to help you overcome your fear of heights
24:50Oh, boy
24:52Now remember, nervous and excited are the same feeling
24:56Okay, I'm excited
24:58I'm excited
24:59I'm excited
25:00Uh, am I off the ground yet?
25:02I am, aren't I?
25:04Hey, how far?
25:05No, no, don't tell me
25:07Relax, pal
25:08You're doing great
25:10I'm excited
25:11I'm excited
25:13Whoa, hey, am I swaying?
25:16It's an optical illusion
25:18Rusty, how can you have an optical illusion when you're blindfolded?
25:21I said relax
25:25Uh, Rusty
25:26I'm thinking maybe we should take this in stages
25:29Hey, trust me
25:32He's after our food, girl
25:34Get him!
25:35Hey, you lazy butt!
25:40Die, Rusty!
25:44So how did I take him a lesson?
25:46Do we eat his food?
25:49We don't even eat his fleas
25:53Hey, hey, take it easy
25:55I'm a meat eater
25:56I don't even like chicken feet
25:58Did you hear that?
25:59We're next
26:01We can be meat eaters, too
26:04Get him, girls, get him
26:06Rusty, please
26:07I think I'm gonna be sick
26:08Hang tight, Jasper
26:11We're not ladies
26:13We're all animals
26:14Kill me
26:21It's a wonder I could walk at all today
26:23Well, I have a few things to say to Mr. John Solomon
26:25Ever since he came here, he's turned this town upside down
26:28What on earth?
26:34No, no, no, no, no, no!
26:58This is a candy store?
27:01Think you can keep a surprise?
27:03Oh, yes
27:04Oh, I know I can
27:08This is for you
27:10Who'd have thought that a lonely town like ours would have something so...
27:14so wonderful?
27:16When you're lonely or sad, isn't that the exact time that you need something wonderful?
27:20Yes, but it seems like it's been so long that... that...
27:24You thought nothing wonderful would ever happen again?
27:29Lucy, there's really no way to get around sadness or loneliness
27:34You just have to go through it
27:36But on the other side, well, let's just wait and see
27:42My father says you smile as if you know something the rest of us don't
27:46Your father's right
28:07Oh, oh, oh, oh
28:19There's gotta be more than this
28:22A lot of things I know that I have missed
28:25Time to move on
28:27A bigger town where I can find happiness
28:32New York City with all its lights
28:35Or maybe California's balmy nights
28:39Time to move on
28:41Another town, find a new perspective in my life
28:46Cause the view from my window
28:49The peaceful and calm
28:52Only changes with seasons
28:56From sunsets to dawn
28:59While nothing bad really happens here
29:03Nothing good comes my way
29:06And the view from my window
29:11My window is not enough
29:16To make me stay
29:23I'm leaving the old for new
29:26Maybe it's a crazy thing to do
29:29But I'll never know if I never go
29:32And try to get a different point of view
29:36Back up the memories of those I love
29:39Open up the dreams I'm dreaming of
29:43I gotta move on
29:45Another town
29:47Cause the view from my window
29:50The peaceful and calm
29:53Only changes with seasons
29:57From sunsets to dawn
30:00While nothing bad really happens here
30:04Nothing good comes my way
30:07And the view from my window
30:13Cause the view from my window
30:18Is not enough
30:21To make me stay
30:52This, is that what it's supposed to be?
30:56Mm-hmm, it's a candy cane
30:58It's almost too pretty to eat
31:05But everyone knows peppermint is green
31:07Or sometimes pink
31:09But never red
31:11This is something new
31:12Why does it have to be red?
31:14Sometimes different colors mean different things
31:17Do you know what a symbol is, Lucy?
31:19That's when something stands for something else
31:21Oh, the red means something
31:25Something happy?
31:27Well, like most Christmas stories, it turned out happy
31:30When I look at this, I see so many things
31:33I see a bright star
31:38A mother singing a lullaby
31:40A baby who grew up and chose to go through a sad time
31:44To suffer and die because
31:46Well, because he cares for her
31:48Because he cares for us
31:50And I see our happiness because he made that choice
31:52Did he stay sad?
31:54No, which is what I want you to remember when you eat that
31:57You see, if you keep licking it, the red stripes will go away
32:01Just like his sadness
32:05There you go
32:07You know, my grandmother's mother lived all the way on the other side of the ocean
32:11When she was a little girl and she went to church at Christmas
32:14Her fair master always gave her a candy cane to remind her of the shepherds
32:18And to keep her quiet
32:20They say she was quite a little chatterbox
32:22I never talk in church
32:24Good for you
32:26Well, almost never
32:28Of course, her candy cane was plain sugar
32:30It wasn't until, oh, right around when I was a boy that someone added the peppermint
32:34And then only a few years ago, someone decided to add the red stripes
32:38To remind us of his sadness
32:41We all go through hard times, Lucy
32:43But sometimes happiness and sadness are this close together
32:47That's something else you can think about as the red disappears
32:50I will
32:52And maybe this, too
32:57Another reminder of Jesus
33:00Down through the ages of time
33:04The stories unwind
33:08As symbols of a much bigger plan
33:13The stories all come alive
33:17I see God's Son and I know why
33:21It's purpose told in a simple candy cane
33:26It's a symbol of sacrifice
33:30A symbol of purity
33:34A symbol of God's love for you and me
33:40It brings hope to this little town
33:44Through the stories that unfold
33:47In the symbol of this simple candy cane
33:54In the symbol of this simple candy cane
34:06She's gone, she's gone, I tell you
34:10Now, calm down
34:12You never could remain calm in a crisis
34:15And I blame him
34:16Yes, you, John Sonneman, filling everyone's head with foolish notions
34:22Father, you didn't go
34:23What's happened, Miss Aubrey?
34:25Jane has run off because she decided she's in love with him
34:30Because you kept pushing them together
34:36Come on, we've got to find her
34:42Jane! Jane!
34:45Jane! Jane!
34:48Jane! Jane!
34:51Jane! Jane!
34:55Oh, no!
35:06Over here!
35:10She was here
35:12At least she got this far
35:14But where...
35:16Thomas, look out!
35:19Jane! Jane, are you there?
35:36Yes, help
35:40Is she down there?
35:43No, I don't think so
35:49She is down there
35:51I hear something
35:53Tell them, Rusty, quick
35:57Thomas, wait
36:00Huh? Jane!
36:03Help! Help!
36:22Oh, no, Chester, you're not going to believe this
36:25What? What am I not going to believe?
36:28There's a wolf down there
36:30Oh, no, is he gray with one yellow eye and a black patch on his back?
36:35How would I know? I have great hearing
36:37You want someone with great sight, find a hawk
36:40Oh, it's got to be him, the one who was after me before
36:43Oh, they have to get her out of there
36:44Tell them
36:49I'm going down there
36:51No, you can't
36:52I'm going down there
37:15Hang on, Jane
37:21Oh, boy, this won't be pretty
37:24Pauline, leave that alone
37:26Oh, I was tying knots before you were born
37:28Not that I'm that much older than you
37:37Chester, get down there
37:40You have to get that rope and bring it up
37:42Are you out of your mind?
37:44Usually, yes
37:45This time, no
37:47Have I mentioned that I'm afraid of heights?
37:49And wolves?
37:51By the way, that whole nervous is excited thing of yours, Rusty
37:53That's really not working for me right now
37:58Oh, what have I done?
38:01Chester, this is the real deal
38:03You've got to push through this, buddy
38:05They need you
38:06I'm not scared
38:07I'm excited
38:09On the count of three
38:11No, four, let's do four
38:13One, just do what comes naturally
38:22Get back!
38:23Hang on, Jane
38:33Get back!
38:37Jane, hang on
38:38I'll tie the rope around the goat
38:40And he'll get it back to Sonovan
38:44We're counting on you, little guy
38:47Up you go
38:48You can do it
38:55I can do this
38:56You can do this, Chester
39:01That's it
39:02Baby steps
39:27You okay, buddy?
39:28I did it, huh, Rusty?
39:29Hey, Chester, you're a hero
39:31You're not mad at me, are you, pal?
39:47I never made it
39:48I missed the train
39:51You know, Rusty, I've been thinking
39:54Come the spring, we're going to have to work on your fear of snakes
40:07I've always found Christmas an odd combination
40:11Of sacrifice and forgiveness
40:13Death and life
40:14Sadness and joy
40:16But they're almost two sides of the same coin
40:19Take the stripes of this candy cane, for example
40:22Sadness over joy
40:24As the red disappears, the white shines out brightly
40:27The Christmas star is brighter than the darkness in any of our nights
40:46As quietly as he came, John Sonovan rides out of the town of West Sage
40:55Leaving behind a new candy store
40:59A marriage for Thomas and Jane
41:02A new family for Matt and Lucy
41:06And a new life for all that have crossed his path
41:24A new life for all that have crossed his path
41:54A new life for all that have crossed his path
41:59A new life for all that have crossed his path
42:04A new life for all that have crossed his path
42:09A new life for all that have crossed his path
42:14A new life for all that have crossed his path
42:19A new life for all that have crossed his path
42:23A new life for all that have crossed his path
42:28A new life for all that have crossed his path