Trump Claims He 'Stopped The Slaughter' Of 3 Million People In Syria

  • 5 years ago
President Trump held a media event on Friday over border wall funding.

President Trump has claimed that he "stopped the slaughter of perhaps 3 million people" in Syria's Idlib province.
He made the remark Friday during a Rose Garden press conference where he bemoaned former President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize so early in his first term while admitting, "I probably will never get it." 
Trump then commented that nobody talks about his achievement in Syria before explaining, in part: "Russia and Iran and Syria were going to go in and perhaps destroy 3 million people in order to get 45,000 terrorists. And I heard about it from a woman who had her parents and her brothers living there, and she said, 'Please, please.'  And I thought — I said, 'No, it can't happen.'" 
"I come home, and I read a certain paper where the story was there that they were actually forming to go into — to really — to really do big destruction," Trump further said. "And I put out a statement that 'you better not do it.'" 
The president added: "In all fairness to Russia and Iran and Syria, they didn't attack. Or they're doing it surgically, at least. Saved a lot of people. We do a lot of good work. This administration does a tremendous job, and we don't get credit for it."
The woman Trump mentioned is believed to be New Jersey cardiologist Dr. Rim Albezem who, according to the Wall Street Journal "was sitting in a conference room with Mr. Trump at an Indiana fundraiser days earlier when she made a passionate appeal for action to stop a looming assault by the Syrian regime on the country's last major rebel sanctuary." 
The piece says her plea worked, leading to Trump's actions "that helped avert the deadly assault, at least temporarily."