• 16 years ago
http://www.globalchange.com. Life after nationalisation of banks – Europe, UK, US government action to take shares in exchange for injection of capital. What happens after radical action on credit crunch and banking share price collapse. Future trends in banking and financial services? Risk of global economic meltdown - how market fear and greed creates chaos. Many risks of further price falls, when market traders driven by fear and uncertainty. Why markets over-react. Restoring investor confidence and trust, taking advantage of new investment opportunities. Taking long term investor view. Restoring stability to global markets. Recession and depression – lessons from history. Sub-prime crisis and fear of unknown liabilities. Inter-bank lending may take a long time to recover – even with huge government bailouts, injection of liquidity, partial nationalisation of banks (capitalisation). The sharper the recession and market collapse, the stronger the measures that will be taken (eg cutting interest rates) and more likely it is that when economic recovery comes, it could lead to another big cycle of boom and bust. Comment by Futurist keynote conference speaker Patrick Dixon.


